Saturday, March 18, 2006

Trash and burn

Garbage is sorted and recycled depending on it's nature. What can not be sorted or recycled is burnt. The heat generated is used for heating homes in the area.
This is a plant where garbage is burnt. Nearby is a sorting station where citiziens and companies can drop off their garbage and sort it themselves.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wooden Bear

It could have been a name of a native american Indian Chief, Wooden Bear. But in this case it is simply a bears head cut from a tree trunk. It is located in a playground in a kindergarten.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Longhaired cattle in the snow

There is a small animal park in Ishøj. It is located in a green "peninsula" between a couple of highways. The park is home for some cattle and goats. Free admission all year.

With this post I also present to you image number 50 so far.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Red shed

A red shed besides a parking lot. I have no clue what it is used for, but probably some light machinery, like lawn mowers or something. The sign says Bicycle Parking (danish: cykelparkering).

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Feels like Ice Age

Winter holds the country in a grip. Icicles show their might and beauty, even the little ones.